in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives pre-pandemic, when was the last time you stopped and looked up at the sky? the beautiful buildings? the trees? how long has it been since you spent a sunday cooking with mom, or pulled out those spanish books you’ve been antsy to get to but couldn’t because your commute to work eats up two additional hours of your day?
a very long time I bet.
as devastating as the impact of covid has had on our lives, I choose to see the glass as half full. yes, these are scary times. I lost my father in august 2019 to something similar to covid, valley fever, also an infection of the lungs. I wouldn’t want anyone to experience that level of pain.
think of how these unprecedented times have changed our lives…
spending time with a small group of people whom we feel the most safe with, cooking at home rather than eating out, having small intimate weddings and/or other gatherings with those who mean the most to us, spending that time you would be driving to and from work to catch up on some reading or doing an art project to help your mind relax.
from enjoying movies & shopping from the comfort and safety of our homes, to companies shifting permanently to remote work once they realized how much can be saved by cutting back on office space expenses, to families spending more time together with loved ones. or that much needed time to just relax, and not do anything with your freed up time except turning your mind on mute for a bit.
whatever it may be, take this as a blessing in disguise
pandemic life has truly changed our lives forever.
P.S. thank you to all of our frontline workers for their selflessness care and love during the COVID-19 crisis: doctors, nurses, grocery store employees, and anyone else I may have missed.
wear a mask, save lives.